Friday, February 11, 2011

Son of a Septic!

The septic is full, again. This is one of those subjects homeowners almost never talk about in friendly conversation but when you live in the frozen North it is a very important subject indeed. One unfortunate decision made wrong brought us a ton of septic worry!
When you put in your septic drain field, you must make sure to cover it with at least 4 foot of soil. This will keep your drain field from freezing! THIS CAN NOT BE PUT OFF! Don't try to wait till next year here, you will pay out the keyster if you do.
What happens if you screw this important step up is your drain field will freeze and then your septic does not leach off, then it backs up..smell the problem? The only solution is to wait for summer, then when everything thaws out cover it well!  If you have it pumped out its only gonna get full usually within a couple of days to a week, then the problems back with your frozen drain field. I wouldn't wish septic problems on anyone, especially me. LOL. 
I will give you this piece of advise, dig yourself an outhouse! That way your covered no matter what happens.
It certainly is true that the grass grows greener over the septic tank, and the sunflowers go crazy!!!

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