Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lose It

Seems it is the time of year when all my friends and I are on a diet. All the long winter we have steadily packed on a little pudge and now in the time of recently forgotten New Years resolutions we are faced with the truth. Our clothes are too tight, we have low energy and maybe even a bit of a grumpy attitude. Who can blame us, all we accomplished this cold winter was to catch up on all the movies we couldn't afford to go to at the theatre and a caffeine addiction that I might need to get treatment for. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy all those tasty pots of bean coffee or the romantic movies like Eat, Pray, Love but now it is time to awake again and the first step is going to be losing a bit of weight. It always makes you feel better and maybe if you re lucky you will look better too.
I want to tell you about this really wonderful website that I found and just can not say enough about.  this website will help you get on a caloric regimen and stick to it. I will also help you track your exercise and the calories you are burning along the way. It is totally free to use and you can get some friends to help you and in turn you can encourage each other along the way. The site will award you for good dieting behavior and it just makes dieting more hands on by providing you with the information you really need to make good nutritional choices. No matter the food, no matter the exercise they will have you covered. So don't wait go check them out today and get yourself ready for spring.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to riding my bike. That always helps in taking off the pounds. I rely on my husband quite a bit to help me as he makes my salads for lunch at work. He had been gone for 6 days and I gained 4 pounds - half of what I had lost over 3 slow months of trying to get rid of it! Gggrrrr!! My belly is straining my buttons on my shirt & I noticed my boss looking at it. I've got to do something!
